
期望 Expectation

怎樣才是一個真正的基督徒? 這個問題在腦海裡盤旋多年, 終於在這一年內讓我得到圓滿的答案, 亦使我能真正的得到信靠, 感謝全能而無所不在的天父!
How to be a real faithfulable Christian? This question has been wandering in my mind for so many years. I have the complete answer last year, 8 December 2009, and make me have the real depends. Thank the powerful and elsewhere God the Lord.

多年來我遊走世界, 企圖用自己一雙腿, 一雙眼睛, 為人生的許多問號找尋詮釋, 我彷徨, 孤獨, 不安, 焦慮, 終於, 在九月四日的早上, 我憬然而悟, 為自己的人生目標下了重大的決定: 我不再猶豫了, 只希望能夠走進這個充滿平安喜樂的國度, 在主耶穌基督的餵養下成長!
For many years, I am wandering in the world, trying to use my own legs, eyes,to find the translation of all the questions. I am scared, lonely, unsafety,worried. Then, on the morning of 4 September 2009, I am awake and make the most important decision: I will not hesitate,just want to go into the peaceful world, under the feed of Jesus Christ and grow up from the time.
