
Dress up and down

曾做過一份工, 被要求: 「穿得普通點 。」

其實, 我穿的不過是最平宜的套裝而己, 目的不過是為了讓自己看上去好看一點, 專業一點而己。不過, 有時外表衣著打扮, 真的可以看出一個人的行為修養 , 真是什麼人就會作什麼打扮, 所謂見其人而知其行為, 假不得。

Christian 基督徒是怎樣的?

"You looks like a christian." An new friend told me.


"Your presentation and the words from your mouth let me know that."

I am glad and hope to be a good christian.

活魚生吃 The fish is still alive!

刺身上桌了, 一邊吃著, 那魚眼還是烏溜烏溜的轉著。

朋友把盤子旋到另一面, 口中喃喃: 「對不起。」

但是, 這一盤活魚與象拔蚌實在太好吃了。


Her eyes just like look at us.

But we all feel that the taste is very good.