
己所不欲,勿施於人 Do not let others do what you don't want to do!

This is a good habit of everybody.

當我們要發脾氣的時候, 請靜下來想一想:人家是沒有義務讓你當出氣袋的呀!
If you are angry with anything or somebody, please try to claim down and think about that: you have no right to put any bad words on others!

給媽媽的話To my lovely mother:

From the past and the coming future, we all cannot see or forsee what will be happened. We just can step by step, according to the normal procedures, fulfill all we have learnt, reduce what is done wrongly.

But, as we regret for what have wrongly done, at the same time, we should know how to release and relax. At the same time, we should forgive others and ourselves, then, we can march forward and continue to do everything.

克己恕人,是人所需要學習的生活方式。 要明白,天天活在追悔,是無限的痛苦及於事無補的事情。
Control ourselves and forgive others, is what we have to learn the living style. We have to understand that, we cannot live in painful and useless.

媽媽啊, 過去的,就讓它們過去吧!
Mom, let the past goint back!