
散髮扁舟的日子 The days of releasing and sailing on the boat


棄我去者, 昨日之日不可留, 亂我心者, 今日之日多煩憂
The days left us behind, needn't to care;
The days boring us today, still boring.



Do you know what is life in the world?
Just like flying over the snow and the soil,
there are some fingers on the soil,
the bird can fly to the west and the east, wherever it want.

四張機 Four sewing maching

四張機, 鴛鴦織就欲雙飛, 可憐未老頭先白。
春波碧草, 曉寒深處, 相對浴紅衣。

There are four sewing machine working,
Two beautiful birds just like to fly together,
One of them turns to be white while she is so young.

There are green grass nearby the spring water,
It's a cold morning deeply,
The pair of birds are wearing the red clothes.

一簾幽夢 Dreams links

I have a series of dreams, don't know who can I share with.
If meet and understanding, hope to share with these series of dreams.


我有一簾幽夢, 不知與誰能共。
若能相知又相逢, 共此一簾幽夢。