
After Hurricane, Houston's days (Sept 2008)

明月幾時有, 把酒問青天, 不知天上宮易` , 今夕是何年。

When will be the full moon?
Hand on the wine, I am willing to ask the heaven.
What happen? This Year? This night?

American Tree

Last night's star, last night's wind,
Drawing house at the west, dinning room at the East,
(The Western painting handed on the wall of Eastern Dining Room)
Although we haven't the wings of beautiful bird,
our hearts can be touch and reach.

This is my first English poem, idea from the one of those hanging on our Imogene dining room.

昨夜星晨昨夜風, 畫樓西畔挂堂東.
身無彩鳳雙飛翼, 心有靈犀一點通.

Here is the second one:

I have a series of dreams
Don't know who can I share with
There are so many secret between them
I want to say but no one can understand
Who can recognize? Who have deeply put the love into my heart?

我有一簾幽夢, 不知與誰能共, 多少秘密在其中, 欲訴無人能懂.
誰能解我情衷, 誰將柔情深種.

The third one is for Jiangxuang, my friend:

I have been wandering for ten years, long long ago, I regret, nothing I have done for you in the past, my best friend.
We are famous in the world, together, at the same time, just like Mr To, the poorest and thinnest, we have been living together, walking along with happy and sad days.
I have to say goodbye to whom I like,
I want to ask, is this I have to?
Thousands regret, for whom I love.

We are born in different country and different zone,
now we have spend so many times,

我亦飄零久, 十年來深恩負盡, 死生師友.宿昔齊名非忝竊, 只看杜陵寢窮廋.曾不減夜郎僝愁.薄命長辭知己別, 問人生到此淒涼否?千萬恨, 為兄剖.

巳生辛末吾丁丑, 共些時冰霜摧折, 早衰蒲柳.詞賦從今須少作,留取心魂相守.但願得河清人壽, 歸日急繙行戍稿, 把空名料得傳身後.言不盡, 觀頓首.

True love should be waited.

We are picky because we want to fall in love correctly and smoothly.

Another one is :

So large your heart, so wide your stage, and then, how strong you are if the love is True!
你的心有多寬, 你的舞台便有多大, 唯有真心的愛, 可以使你身心都壯大.

America is very big, but not wider than my heart.
美國多大, 還不如我的心寬.

If the one cannot recognize who is the princess, then, he is not the one.

白馬皇子都沒把個公主認出來, 那他還能說他是皇子嗎?

The man looks like a American Tree
The woman looks like a pool of water
They all decorated on a beautiful land
It's a wonderful painting

漣漪 陳百強



Life is quiet, just like a pool of water,
Because you, you wake me up.
I grow up because of you,
I am smiling for you.

Life is mild, just like the flowing water,
All the beautiful because of you,
All the amazing come from you,
You have left the happiness for me.

Quiet just like the song,
the feeling looks like a poem,
Sweet, sweet and sweet, coming from your faithfully eye,
Even in my dreaming,
the days,
is so beautiful the others cannot image.


冷暖那可休, 回頭多少個秋, 尋遍了卻偏失去, 未盼卻在手.
一生何求, 常判決放棄與擁有, 耗盡我這一生, 觸不到已跑開, 未料到我所失的, 經已是我的所有.

Cold and warm can't be stop,
How many autumn in the pasting time?
I have search and found for a long time,
It has been gone
Unexpected were in hand.

Whatever I have
must be considered to give up or keep in
Through my life, spend day by day
I can't touch but flow away
I cannot image that I have lost all I have.

有緣相聚, 又何必要分離,
既然要分離, 又何必長相憶,

If we have to meet each other, why we have to seperate?
We have to seperate, why we should miss each other?
Miss you miss you in my dreams,
miss you miss you in my heart,
How can I stop this love?
copy the idea of a chinese poem
晴時多雲偶陣雨 。

As there are so many clouds in the sky, sometimes there will be rainy.

Sunrise in the east, rainy in the west, no feeling? Yes!

東邊日出西邊雨, 道是無情卻有情。

願天下有情人終成眷屬, 亦願所有已經找到自己另一半的人好好珍惜, 好好保管。

旦夕之間 Between the day and the night

兩情若在久長時, 又豈在朝朝暮暮。
If they can be longlasting, day or night should not be cared.

尋尋覓覓冷冷清清, 淒淒慘慘戚戚。

人是鐵, 飯是鋼,
