
小弟弟打電話找嫲嫲 He is calling for grandmother.

Ba Ba,Ba Ba, you have left us and gone to the Heaven. I am so sad and want to cry!

晚上7時19分, 我的手提電話鈴聲響起:「大姑媽,嫲嫲呢?」
"Where is my grandmother, pateral aunt?"

I am so missing my lovely newphens.

We have lost each other for more than one month. We looks like strangers.

"If we cannot see each other one or two more months, maybe you do not know who am I, right?"

「要聽話啊,努力唸書啊。」但願老人家的囑咐, 可以把一顆失父小兒的心填滿了愛和激勵。
"You have to work hard and concentrate to your home work." Hope he can follow the instruction and encouragement of the grandmother.


朋友家裝修,送我一套花梨木的桌椅,幾經辛苦運到妹妹家暫託,雖然不是新置的,卻蘊含了好朋友無限的溫馨眷顧, 隆情厚義。

「在弟弟家, 至今還玩著的遊戲機就是從這兒大埔拉回去錦上路的呢。」我告訴媽媽說。



司機先生的話 The driver said that:





平安夜的聖誕大餐 Christmas Eve Dinner

I have been invited to join a friend's Christmas Party and Birthday Celebration. It's so simple to have the Salad and a piece of chicken, cheese sauages, a chinese soup with American ginseng and cake.

自在人生 Free on her life

The Mother and daugher!

"I have to go to school from now on." My mother said.

She is an 81 years old now. Her friends all have to sit on a wheel chair or have to support with one or two stick together. Luckily, she can go to the elders' centre everyday by herself and enjoy herself with playing cards game.

This is perserveance and patience.

"The 80 years old can swim across the harbour."

Wow! Don't! My heart seems to come out from my body! Please don't do this, my mom!

弟弟的兒時玩伴 - 最後的筵席

"I know some friends of my brother and sometimes they called me to ask for some information of their homework."

But, when we met today, we all cannot recognize each other easily.

"Sister Yin, you are getting elder too."

Because I have to earn my own life and worked so hard.

「他呀,從小至大都愛養鳥兒, 通山跑, 就是不愛唸書。」
"He loved to raise little birs and played on the hill, just do not like to read."


"He is so honest."

This is my lovely and dearest little brother.

"One day, as I am sitting at his home, seeing the climbing elder som, he said: your father, does not have any good skillful to earn more money. But, I can tell you that, I am a good man. I have not done any bad things through my life." You can remember what your good father tole you two.