
公平 Fair

"As I saw something is unfair, I will feel sick and angry."

可是,世上不公平的事情何其多?你又真的有能力,有慧眼看得清面前那一件是真,是假?會說此話的人,可能其實正在製造最不公平的事情。There are so many unfair in the world. Do you have enough power to know what were faur ir ubfaur? Abdm the one who said thest words, really can define which is unfair or fair?

You hear and see, but cannot make sure if it is realy true or false.

大學學位 - 職場人埸券 Degree Holder - Entry ticket

讀書沒錯是為明道理,求學問,但同時亦是可以久活於人生的最起碼條件之一,尤其在競爭激烈的香港, 一技旁身的時代已經逐漸起了變化,世上庸庸碌碌的人多的是,如何可以出奇制勝,仡立於天地間而不被人淘汰,抑或是隨波逐流,浪費了寶貴的生命和精神,時間,就得要看各人的本事了。