
今夕何夕 This night what's night

去年今日此門中, 人面桃花相映紅 。
人面不知何處去, 桃花依舊笑春風。

Last year today in this door (heart), faces and flowers are very beautiful.
Where's the faces? The flowers still shining in the spring wind.

My birthday dinner is coming. My heart is laughting?
Where's the one I am missing?
My big families and the kids. They are all belonging to me and whom I care and be cared. Thank God for taking care of them. Thanks.
All the bad luck will be gone and all will be better. Thanks.

Concerning everything on the World!

I care about my big families, my mother, my sisters, my brother and my newphens. This is our responsibilities to ourselves, isn't it?!

My brother has got the cancer unluckily. Hope he can be stronger and better day by day. Thank God!