


Give should be more lucky.

Forgive other's, is a lucky.

"It's a lucky to cook for your daughter," some elders told my old mother. Thank you so much.

小城知味 Good taste in the city


A very good dinner with a real friend worth so much.

禍福相倚 Good luck and bad luck is coming together.

If the bad is done by the heaven, it is reasonablely. If done by yourselves, it cannot be forgiven.

All things have it's own reasons. Good luck and bad luck sometimes are caused by othose themselves.

人生如戲, 勝既欣然敗亦歡,無論演得好與不好,都是個人的修為德行使然,不能怨天尤人,傷人傷己。
On the perform, you are the actor and the winner, however you have presented, those base on your own moral and presentation, cannot blame on any body. It would hurt somebody and yourselves.

祖母開學了! Grandmather is going to school!

"I am so busy, no spare time to go to market."

So good and special style elder, where and how you can find?!

This is my mom!

是非 Yes or No!

"As an human being, you could be the good one and the bad one."

"Your right, may be the other's wrong;your wrong, could be the other' right."

Everybody could have his/her own feeling and emotion, and his/her own ideas. They all want to do what they intent and make their own decison. Therefore, please do not try to put our own ideas on top of their's, to persude theirs to accept our own ideas. We should know that, all things are holding in the hand God. We are so small and little. God know what he want to do the right things.

Try our best, let him do.

If we have try our best, don't push or request.