旭日曉燕 - 點滴情真練習場 A swallow is going to the rising sun in the morning. The flatform is releasing the truth.
http://swallowonthewayhome.blogspot.com and
Email address: siuyint41@gmail.com
My photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/home?hl=zh-TW&tab=iq http://t.sina.com.cn/tracytang19
facebook: tracytang
己所不欲,勿施於人 Do not let others do what you don't want to do!
這是每一個人都應當要學習的生活態度。 This is a good habit of everybody.
當我們要發脾氣的時候, 請靜下來想一想:人家是沒有義務讓你當出氣袋的呀! If you are angry with anything or somebody, please try to claim down and think about that: you have no right to put any bad words on others!