
新年快樂! Happy New Year Big Dinner!

下班回家,媽媽已經弄了一條魚,一碟煮南瓜,一碟蝦仁炒玉豆, 再加一個清蒸芋頭紅蘿蔔絲加腊腸,我們都吃了個乾乾淨淨,算是慶祝新年的大餐
After work, my old mother has prepared a big dinner for us: a fish, vegetabeles, pawns and beans, taro and chinese sauages and red radish. We have all finished them for celebration Happy New Year!

"It's very cheap but the taste is very good. You cannot have them besides at home."
Homemade dinner of course better than the restaurant.
