
當生命快要終結的時候..........As his life was coming to the end........

The story of a honest man, my brother

當生命都快要走到終結的時候,己經躺在醫院不能動彈了, 一邊要抵受身體上的折磨,努力與病魔拼命,卻仍要盡力承擔保護妻兒母親的責任。

Swallow sand and then pearl come out.

"My brother can take in the chicken bores only."
Chicken bores were lying in front of my brother's bowl.

在他們家吃晚飯, 如果是吃鷄, 小兄弟總是一人一隻鷄腿,我這大姑媽就吃一隻鷄翼,再挾一隻鷄翼與旁邊的小澤旻,最後發現:做爸爸面前的都是鷄頭,鷄頸,鷄背骨,鷄腳等等。
When we were having dinner in his lovely home, if there was a chicken, the little brother shared with the two legs, then, I can have the chicken wing and give the another wing to Chak Man, the elder one. Then, my brother, as the master of the family, all bones of the chicken were lying in front of him.

Before 21 years old, he was the only one lovely brother in my brother. He can have all what he wanted because he has a father and mother, three sisters. If there was a chicken on the dinning table, he can have both two chicken legs, if he wanted. "I am the elder and the youngest," he told his little friends. Of course, my mother would tell him not to do this.

Our home was located on the small hillside. "When I went out to play, my mother's big sound could call him back through the hill," he said.

After 22 years old, he worked without the warmest of parents, tasted the cold and warm among human being. No shelter, no home, no love.

'His aunts told him that, he can leave away after the dinner," "Her girlfriend's mother asked for the fee of lunch and dinner after worked for their family without payment," he truly told my mother long time later.

想想這一個成年男子的心,是如何的痛?我聽說了弟弟所遭受的冷待, 是如何的痛?
How hurt to this man!How do you think about this adult man? How painful of my this sister?

以為結婚生子了, 又可以與母親同住,孩子們又可以有祖母照顧,重新又過著表面幸福的家庭生活,偏偏高不成低不就,沒有固定的工作,又不肯放下弱母稚兒到內地工作,結果窮愁潦倒,貧病而亡,世上的苦,都放在他一個人的身上了。
After get merry, two babies coming, living together with our mother,likely finding a lovely family again. But, without a fix and longtime job, he's so poor. He wanted to find a nine to five job and take care of the family in Hong Kong but failed. At the end, he got cancer and died on 10 December 2009.


「我為人人, 人人為我。」七月十七日第一次在醫院開刀動手術之後回家,他與大姊姊密談, 知道大家都為他的醫藥費盡力籌措,有感而發。
"I have worked for others, others worked for me too." After he has done the operation in the Hospital on 17 July 2009, he talked with his elder sister, knew that all our families were trying to collect the caring fee for him, he said that.

"If I can get back the money which somebody borrowed from me, we can live more comfortable," my brother had told my mother.

OH! Those borrowed his money didn't think that he would die. The will feel sick or sorry?

His children even did not received the money for studying yet.

「鄉下人,沒好好唸書,不學無術,為了生活,旁門左道, 就是沒出息哪。」媽媽說的是誰?
"Those are bad guy, did not like to learn and study, do the worst to earn for life," who is my mother talking about?


As I saw, my brother's very good. Not only good to his own children, better to other's kids. Kindness to our mother, kindness to other elders, kindness to his girlfriend/wife's parent. He was very honest, even others were not good to me and didn't say any bad and privacy about others.

I told my mothe, "To be his elder sister, I a truly and fully trust on him. As a man,except to be a rich man, he is a very good man."


I hope I can let his lovely kids to learn the skill and technique to be human being and earn their life. The entry ticket, degree holde is the basic.

因為讀書沒錯是為明道理,求學問,但同時亦是可以久活於人生的最起碼條件之一,尤其在競爭激烈的香港, 一技旁身的時代已經逐漸起了變化,世上庸庸碌碌的人多的是,如何可以出奇制勝,仡立於天地間而不被人淘汰,抑或是隨波逐流,浪費了寶貴的生命和精神,時間,就得要看各人的本事了。

Chak Man and Chak Fung, please remember your father's expectation to you two! Of course, the main point is, Happy and Happy forever! He was so good that, he only wanted you two lived in happiness, whatever you wanted to do.

