
熱熱熱 hot hot hot

九月下旬的香港還天天33, 34度的, 把人體內的所有水份都蓀發了, 晒乾了。都快秋天了, 午間的陽光還是如此的剌目。天氣酷熱, 並不能完全道出真實的情況。

Can't be expressed truly
that, the wealther is so hot.
The autumn is coming, the sun is shining so bright in the afternoon.
The water in our body is going to be dried out. It's 33 or 34 degree, it's the half part of September.

是真因為太熱悶了? 橋下那麼淺的水, 卻都滿舖了一種扁扁的, 灰黑色魚, 一翻騰便折射成了白色, 太概不知從哪兒游出來噓氣來了。

淺水可以浸胶龍, 但是原本就平凡卑微的溝間生物, 卻有最強頑的生命力。
