
生死 Life

人生在世, 又怎麼可能沒有牽掛?
How can we haven't any missing in our life?

心痛! 為什麼不?
My heart has been broken. Why not?

從小至大, 你都是我們一家人的重心和支柱, 我和媽媽最常談論的, 是小時候打大風, 她和爸在士多店的屋頂修補破壞的地方, 給我們四姊弟一張被子, 原意是讓我們可以擋開強勁的風雨, 結果發見我們三個姊姊把被子團團圍著中間的一個你!
Since we are so small, you are the one we love. I and our mom always remember and talk is the the time the typhoon came and broke our house. She and our father were repairing the roof of our store house under the rain and wind. They gave us a piece of clothes and let's to be covered. But they found that we, the three sisters only covered the little brother safely.

媽媽最津津樂道的另一件有趣事情, 是有一年的春節, 同村一位叔叔要派紅包了, 我馬上回家把弟弟背起便跑, 結果去到的時候, 紅包卻派完了! 其實我比你只大四個年頭, 卻常因為三斤背四磅而一起跌倒。

如今, 你和我們都未及不惑之年, 卻因為病魔的來臨, 讓你飽受肉體的痛苦, 生死懸於一線之間, 除了一句生死有命, 我還可以對你說些什麼?恨只恨我們都是凡夫俗子,更加是貪戀塵世物慾而家無恆產的最普通而又最卑微的人 。

你說: 「我為人人, 人人為我。 」說的是在危急關頭, 妻子的姊姊在醫藥費方面幫了一把。

「在醫院中, 我聽過好幾個不幸的故事: 有病人花了二十萬醫病, 最後因為再也無法籌措而放棄; 另外又有一位病人家屬, 聽說要一萬元打一針, 病者打電話回家, 第一次妻子掛線, 第二次兒子掛線, 第三次女兒接電話告訴他媽媽和哥哥都不要聽他的電話。最後病人是自己出院離開的。 」娓娓道來 , 他在為自身的幸福而輕歎, 感恩吧? 可是.........。

「幸好在不幸之中, 又遇到些好醫生。 」他說。這種慶幸又是何等的豁達卑微呀!

小到一張紙片, 一個可愛的笑容, 都可能令一個大男人心有感動, 何況是有可能永別自己最親厚的家人: 兒子, 妻子, 母親, 甚至是親姊姊和有著各種關係的長者朋友? 只能嘆一句: 一切皆是命, 半點不由人。
Just a little piece of paper, a lovely smiling, those may make a big man feel touching. They are all his dearest families: sons, wife, mother and sisters and all other different relationships elders and friends. It's been fixing and set, not the willing of us.

既然死生不由人, 亦只好努力把握在世的每一分每一秒, 做好每一件想做得到的事而已。因為我們都相信: 我們終將在另一個國度再見面。
Even we cannot control the birth or death, we can do all the best with all our best effort when we are alive. We believe that, we will meet in another world.

「才幹了會活便手顫腳震 ! 」你輕輕坐下來充說。

人生自古誰無死, 只差來早與來遲, 但願我所有認識與不認識的朋友, 都能為你的堅強對抗病魔而護航, 讓你好好的多活, 也不要多受太大的痛苦。相信你絕對知道, 我們都愛你直到永遠!
Who can be alive forever? Just later or earlier. Hope all I know or unknow can take care of you to flight and face the pain and difficulties with you. You absolutely know that, we all love you forever.

我們都會讓你的所有優點, 傳承予一雙絕對可愛的小兒子身上去而再教之養之, 成就你所未能成就的事。
We will let all your goodness, give to your lovely kids and be educated and grow up to be the best on the world.

Hope I can do more for you.
