
快樂篇 Happy elsewhere!

Chan Cheuk Kwan :原來一個人開心,真係會令人感染到!以前唔信既說話,依家信了。
As one is happy, who can spread and make others happy too. 

Tracy Tang:但是一個不快樂的人,除了令自己不快樂之外,有可能亦令到別人不快樂,更加有可能令別人離棄自己!所以,結論還是必須要令自己快樂,也令別人快樂,世界就自然都是樂土了!
As one is not happy, who can make himself unhappy and make others unhappy too. Then, he may isolate himself within the human being on the world.  The result is, you must make yourself happy, let others happy, then you can live on the happiness.
In the past old Chinese world, there are the truth that, all the group are happy rather than only one happy.  And this is the another words that, don't let yourself stand out of others.

個人開心, 自然發出正能量, 人人都鍾意同佢傾偈說話,否則人見人怕,乞人憎!
