
答客問 Reply my colleague

He said, "Why there is always somebody thinks that he is absolutely right?"

"There are different people live on the world.  We should accept to forgive and receive.  But, don't accept the bad ones.  We should learn how to correctly present ourselves, protect us, but do not hurt the good guy and kill the right but but similar of us at the same time.  Within all our life, there are too many we should learn and study to know.
Of course, as a coming management, we should learn how to keep patience and suitablely.  Our Chinese's  words, hurdreds bear should become the gold.  This is sometime's right, sometime's wrong.  The main point is, if you are't on the seat, do not do the work. 
The philosopy of the working place is too difficult and deep.  We are the common people.  We should learn the old chinese rule, that is, keep ourselves clean, keep our families clean, then the world should be peace.

