
從心出發 Start from your heart!

‎2010年最開心的其中一件事情是: 有位新相識, 交淺而又言深的朋友親自下廚, 請我吃了一頓非常美味又情意一百二十分以上的海鮮大餐! 飯菜固然好吃, 色香味俱全, 更重要的是: 裡面充滿了我們都重視的, 人間最珍貴的友誼!.............註: 真係骨都庳!!!!!!!

The most delicious and happiness dinner is the one which cooked by a newly recognized friend. She has offered me a very very great, wonderful and taste very good dinner at her brother's home. I can smell and enjoy the most precious friendship within the human being, those full of love in the world.
