
小弟弟打電話找嫲嫲 He is calling for grandmother.

Ba Ba,Ba Ba, you have left us and gone to the Heaven. I am so sad and want to cry!

晚上7時19分, 我的手提電話鈴聲響起:「大姑媽,嫲嫲呢?」
"Where is my grandmother, pateral aunt?"

I am so missing my lovely newphens.

We have lost each other for more than one month. We looks like strangers.

"If we cannot see each other one or two more months, maybe you do not know who am I, right?"

「要聽話啊,努力唸書啊。」但願老人家的囑咐, 可以把一顆失父小兒的心填滿了愛和激勵。
"You have to work hard and concentrate to your home work." Hope he can follow the instruction and encouragement of the grandmother.
