
澤鋒語錄 Little Chak Fung's words

"What is the most faviour of Liu Xiang?"
「劉翔最想做什麼? 」

"Keep his hair long."
「留長(劉 )頭髮 。」

This the widom of a eight years old boy, my newphen, Tang Chak Fung, a lovely child. The widom of primary school student.
小學生原來愛玩這種猜謎語式的食字遊戲 。

"He always walks around in his school, just like a principal." his mother told us.
「我發現他在學校最愛像校長般巡視業務 。 」 他媽媽也是會突擊檢查的人呢。

"Your blog can post this?"
「你的部落格可以把這個放上去嗎? 」

"Why not?" I tell him the truth.
「為什麼不? 」

I am trying to lead the way and teach them to use the gift properly, not only for gaming or see Katoon.
大姑媽開始要想辦法讓他們更好的利用這一份禮物 ---電腦了。
