
夠用矣! Quarrelled with a foreigner, a man.

Different culture

"This is America. Man is the same. "

"If this is what American man always do, I will not come back."

三個堅持, 四個現代化, 個人的行為操守, 甚至是非觀念, 都是應該有一定的標準的, 哪能分中外男女?

作為一個基督徒,他會非常介意女朋友去賭場的行為, 但是, 基督徒的戒律亦包括不得攪婚外情的吧?
As a Christian, he is very unhappy and always complaints why Amy always goes to gumbling? But, as a Christian in American, he, a married man, he still has a girlfriend!

"When he/she fell in love, they are stupid." Jone said that.

「在愛情的前面, 人都是愚蠢的。」五十多歲, 兒女都長大離家的美國男人, 原來都會有這個智慧。

與老美吵起架來(爭辯), 發現原來我的英文還可以。
