
為朋友做的小小功課 A little translation

By Patricia Yip

We all know the situation with today's economy. Everyday, we are bombarded by negative news all day long. How are we going to stay positive in a negative world?
面對亞劣的經濟環境, 我們每一天都被負面的新聞轟炸, 究竟我們該如何以一個積極的態度去面對這一個混亂的世界?

We may not be able to control the media or the environment that makes us feel depressed and powerless, the good news is that there is one thing we can control, i.e. our mind. We can choose to accept or reject what goes into our mind.

Our mind is a phenomenal powerhouse. Our thoughts shape our destiny. Like a magnet, we attract what we think about all the time, and we become what we think about all day long. That is the law of attraction.

The question is: What have you been thinking about all day long? Are you thinking positively or negatively all the time?

If you keep thinking about about the negative things, you are going to attract more of these negative things coming to your life. Likewise, if you keep thinking about positive things, you will naturally attract positive things coming to you.
假若你想的是負面的, 而你又將吸收更多的負面思想到進入你的生命。若你吸收的是負面的東西,你便自自然然的吸入奐多正面的東西進入。

Here are 13 ways to stay positive during tough time.

1. Start your day with a positive Yes attitude. Words can affect our emotion. Stat imprinting positive affirmations in your mind. For example, tell yourself: “I’m great. I’m happy and successful wherever I go”. Say it over and over again, and you will soon belief in it and feel good and positive.
以一個正面稱是的態度開展每一天的生活。說話可以影響我們的情緒。 例如, 告訴你自己: 我是偉大的。無論我到哪裡都是開心及成功的。多說幾次, 你不久將相信它, 也感到它的美好及正面。

2. Focused on the solution, instead of the problem. Ask yourself empowering questions, such as: How can I do better? How can I help my customers better? What must I do to achieve my goals? 集中力量於問題的結果而不是問題的本身。向你自己提問, 諸如: 我如何能夠做得更好?我如何幫助我的顧客更好?我如何可以達到我的目的?

3. Don’t stress about the stuff you can’t control. Stop complaining. Accept the situations you cannot control, and move on. Mind your own business, don’t blame, and don’t broadcast negative news.
請不要為無謂的事情緊張而失去自我控制的能力。停止投訴。接受你所能夠控制的現實環境而繼續往前邁進。留意你自己的生意, 不要埋怨, 不要傳播負面的消息。

4. Avoid negative news and negative people. Negative energies are like poisons. Stop becoming a ‘rubbish bin’ collecting negative news. Don’t associate with negative people, avoid them at all cost.

5. Give. When you can give, it makes you feel good and rich. There are many good things you can give away that do not cost much, for example, give compliments, give smiles, give help, give care, give encouragement, give donation, etc… The more you give, the more you will have and the happier you will become.
給予: 能夠付出, 可以令你感到美好及豐足。
付出更多, 收入更多, 你將更為快樂。

6. Look for good news and opportunities. Problems are opportunities in disguise, When your mind is calm and positive, you can see the opportunities.
尋找利好消息及機會:問題與機會同時出現,當你的思維處於平靜及正面的時候, 你會看到機會的來臨。

7. Mix with positive people. Surround yourself with positive upbeat people. Positive people are successful people, they are highly motivated and they want you to succeed. Mix with them and learn from their lessons.

8. Choose the right partner that you can trust, like IBM. Trust is the foundation of relationship and business success. Good partners will help you succeed because they want you to succeed.
選擇一個合適而又可以信任的伙伴, 例如IBM公司。信任是商業及關係成功的基礎。好的伙伴將有助於你的成功。

9. Celebrate your success. Always celebrate, no matter how small. Celebrations make you feel good and give you confident and energy to tackle the bigger challenges.

10. Be grateful. When you are grateful, fear will go away. Being grateful helps to shift your mind from a negative to a positive state. For example, be thankful in the morning when you wake up for being alive, be grateful for your health, be grateful for your family, for your friends, for your customers, etc.. Wake up in the morning with a big grateful smile. Try it!
保持歡欣的態度: 當你處在歡欣中, 恐懼將會溜走。 例如, 每一天的早上起來了, 想想你仍活著, 就當常懷感恩的心。為你的健康, 為你的家庭, 為你的朋友, 為你的顧客。嘗試在每一天的早上都來一個歡欣的心!

11. Laugh more. Laughter is the best gift, the best medicine and is free of charge. The more you laugh, the happier and the healthier you are. People like people who can make them laugh. Go out and make your customers laugh, reach out to help your customers solve their problem, and they will love you and appreciate you forever.
常常歡笑:歡笑是最好的賜與,最好的藥物,而且是免費的。你笑得更多,你便更快樂, 更健康。人與人互相吸引及喜歡,皆因對方能令他們歡笑。讓你的顧客笑起來,幫助你的顧客解決他們的問題,他們將更愛你, 更永遠感謝你為他們帶來的一切。

12. Exercise more. Exercises give you more energy and confidence outlook. Any exercise is good enough, whether it is walking, swimming, stretching or dancing. Just do it.

13. Look for the lesson learned. Life is a learning journey, there will always be ups and downs. Problems are often opportunities in disguise. Look for the lesson learned, that is how we grow best.

14. Continuous self-improvement. Invest time to sharpen your skill. You are responsible for your own learning and growing. Sharpening your skills by setting aside time to develop your skills through reading, listening attending training programs, seminars and conferences, etc.
延續自我改善:投資時間去提昇你的技能。你需要為個人的學習與成長負責。通過閱讀,聆聽及進修,研討會及會議等去安排時間強化你的能力, 發展你的潛能 。

Jim Rohn, the world’s great motivational speaker and author, said: “Don’t’ wish the job is easier, wish that you were better”, because when you were better, your job will be easier. We are our own biggest project , so “Work harder on yourself than you do in your job.”

Life is short and precious. Learn to live in the present. Let’s fire up, be happy, be positive to help make a difference in the world.
