
人不學, 不知理 Without learning, do not know the rule

After learning and improvement, we know it is not enough of ourselves.

Understand the shame, it's nearly brave.

只有常懷謙卑的心, 人才會有進步, 亦不枉父母教養之恩, 想想人為萬物之靈, 我們寒窗苦讀, 為的應該並不完全是金與玉呀!

With a humble heart, we can have the improvement, and repect what our parents have done for us. We are an clever human being. After long time's education, we should do what we should, not only for the wealth of the world.

無知無識的人做錯事固然不該, 有知有識的人做錯事才真是罪大惡極, 如今的雷曼事件, 三鹿毒案, 體現的不就是人類卑污貪婪的本性嗎?

修心養性, 是每一個有知識的人與少了一點點知識的都應該學習的事。

心靈雞湯是每一個人都需要的, 特別是這一個災難性的大氣候, 也是人類真實本性面臨考驗的時候。表面的繁華掩蓋不了人類空虛的心靈, 凡事盼望, 凡事相信, 凡事努力呀!
